Alain Mallet: Mutt Slang II [Track 13 – Water Creatures]

Midwest Record (Chris Spector):
The title and the cover art have you thinking this is probably some kind of edgy, malcontent stuff and nothing could be farther from the truth. A high octane jazzbo, Mallet mixmasters things in a way you don’t expect but knows how to make the whole come out fully baked and ready to savor. Familiar and not so at the same time, his wide ranging ran …
WTJU, Virginia (Dave Rogers):
Though based in multiple musical realms, pianist Alain Mallet’s ambitious Mutt Slang projects coalesce into a world that exudes ‘exotic’ yet ultimately feels familiar, the roots of its various components meeting somewhere deep within. Sharing the musical landscape with young musicians from Palestine, Brazil, Italy, Israel, Japan, Bulgaria, Panama …
All About Jazz (Paul Rauch):
The art of jazz would seem to be a mystery to most, and at the same time, a language understood by many. In the entirety of its history, it has served as a central location for idiomatic change, a virtual jumping off point for explorative ventures into both new and traditional world forms. The wide lens of the music of pianist/composer Alain Mallet …